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36% treated articles have incorrect labelling

The first project on biocidal products was focused on checking obligations for treated articles.

Authorities inspected almost 1200 companies and checked more than 1800 treated articles including clothing, paints, bedding and chemical mixtures. 73 % of the treated articles were produced in the EU.

In 36 % of cases, the quality of information provided on the labels was inadequate. For 42 % of articles and 23 % of mixtures, basic information, such as the name of the biocidal active substance used for treatment of the product was missing.

National languages were used on the labels in 83 % of the cases as required, but this rate varied across different Member States, and was significantly lower for languages other than English, French or German.

Inspectors also checked whether the biocidal products used to treat the articles contained active substances that were allowed in the EU. According to the self-declaration of the producers, this duty was well fulfilled with less than 2.5 % of inspected products found to contain an illegal active substance.

Several Member States reported that the articles inspected were marketed with biocidal products property claims, but were found to not be treated with biocides at all. Some companies even removed the biocidal claims during the inspection to avoid the related legal requirements under the BPR.

The findings of the project indicate that companies need to increase their knowledge about their responsibilities for treated articles and intensify their efforts to improve the overall quality of labelling, especially for articles treated with biocidal products.

Do you know how to prepare an appropriate biocidal product label? Contact us and we will be happy to help you.

You can read the full report HERE.


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