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Ufi code, poison centres notifications


What is a UFI code and how does it affect the labelling of hazardous chemicals?

The unique formula identifier, known by its acronym UFI code, is a 16-character number that is required on the label of your products that contain a hazardous mixture


In addition to the UFI, you are also required to provide other information on your mixture and associated products for poison centres to use - in other words, it is necessary to carry out a PCN notification in all countries where the product will be sold. In other words, UFI code is a part of the Poison Centres Notification (PCN) system, and its primary purpose is to provide a standardised way of identifying the specific formulation of hazardous chemicals.

For example, if a Slovenian importer imports a hazardous mixture and plans to sell it in multiple EU countries (France, Germany), the importer must submit their product information to all the appointed bodies (poison centres) of the relevant EU countries (Germany, France, and Slovenia) before placing the mixtures on the market.

Check the explanation of the UFI code in the interesting ECHA video HERE.

What is Poison Centres Notification (PCN)?

Poison Centres Notification (PCN) refers to a system designed to enhance the communication of information about hazardous chemical products. This system is particularly relevant in the European Union (EU), where it is associated with the Classification, Labeling, and Packaging (CLP) Regulation.

The PCN system requires companies to submit information to designated poison centers about the composition and labeling of hazardous mixtures. This information is crucial for medical professionals and poison centers to provide appropriate advice in case of exposure or poisoning incidents.

Which data are required for Poison Centres Notifications (PCN)?

A brief overview of the necessary data for the successful implementation of PCN notification and obtaining a UFI code is given below. But you can find a more detailed description in our BLOG article.

CONTACT DETAILS - name, full address, telephone number and email address

TRADE NAME or NAMES of the mixture

PACKAGING TYPE and SIZE - the packaging used to place the mixture on the market. The container type may be a ‘bottle’, a ‘box’ or an ‘aerosol can’, for example.

PRODUCT CATEGORY - the category according to the European product categorisation system (EuPCS) - category must match the main intended use.


HAZARD INFORMATION - label elements (pictograms, signal word, hazard statements, supplemental hazard information, precautionary statements.)

TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION - likely ways in which a person might be exposed

PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES - physical state, colour, pH


We have made a UFI code CHECKLIST for you, which can serve as a check for the preparation of all relevant data. You can get the checklist list HERE.

How does the UFI code works?

The UFI (Unique Formula Identifier) code is a unique code assigned to a mixture classified as hazardous under the CLP (Classification, Labeling, and Packaging) Regulation in the European Union. The UFI code is part of the Poison Centres Notification (PCN) system and is intended to facilitate the identification of the specific formulation of a hazardous mixture.

Here's how the UFI code works:

  1. UFI code generation:

    • The UFI code is generated by combining a unique alphanumeric code assigned by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to the submitter (usually the company responsible for the product) with a unique formulation identifier for the specific hazardous mixture.

    • The unique formulation identifier is normally generated by the EU company and is unique to each product formulation.​

  2. Placement on the Label:

    • The UFI code must be printed on the label of the product along with other required CLP information.

    • The label must also include the product identifier, hazard statements, precautionary statements, and other relevant information. You can read more about CLP labelling in our previous post. 

  3. Use in Poison Centres Notification:

    • When a company submits information about a hazardous mixture to the relevant poison center, the UFI code is included in the notification.

    • The UFI allows poison centers to quickly and accurately identify the specific formulation of a product in case of an emergency, such as accidental exposure or poisoning.

  4. Emergency Response:

    • In case of an incident, the UFI code enables poison centers to access detailed information about the composition of the hazardous mixture, aiding in the provision of appropriate medical advice and treatment.

  5. Cross-Border Communication:

    • The UFI code also facilitates cross-border communication, as it provides a standardised and easily recognisable identifier for hazardous mixtures throughout the EU.

It's important for companies to ensure that they generate and include the correct UFI code on their product labels and in their poison center notifications to comply with the relevant regulations and to support effective emergency response.

How do I generate UFI code?

Generating UFI code is probably the simplest step of the various obligations that companies need to comply with. The UFI code is generated using a UFI generator - available HERE.

The UFI generator is a web-based application that can be used online. Its use is free of charge and available in all official languages of the European Union. Be aware that the system does not save the created UFIs automatically; this must be done by the user.


The UFI can be created without a tax number, but this option should only be chosen if the company does not have a tax number for real. It is necessary to validate the created UFI in a further step.

More information on UFI code and PCN notifications is available on our BLOG.

UFI code services

UFI code - PCN expert services 

Our UFI & Poison Centre Submission Service includes:​

  • Advising on UFI code / PCN requirements and how they impact your products

  • Creation a UFI strategy 

  • Data gap analysis and compilation of required info

  • ECHA account management

  • Application, validation and PCN submission

  • Obtaining a notification confirmation (PCN number) 

  • Consulting how to include UFIs on product labels

  • Keep PCN dossiers up to date

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